1·Price ranges cause grief to momentum traders the rest of the time.
2·But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.
3·The remorseless demolition of wretched homes and lives by a mighty high-tech war machine cannot but cause grief and outrage in any decent onlooker.
4·Something new has recently occurred in the timeless human activity of socialising, and it will begin to cause a lot of grief in 2009.
5·He didn't tell his mother for almost three years, knowing the grief the news would cause her.
6·Fasting relieves toxic emotions such as anger, grief, worry, and fears - before they accumulate and cause disease.
7·You cause me a great deal of pain. One does have freaks, but one does not cause one's little Cosette grief.
8·You point the finger and see the other person as the cause of the suffering, but you don't see how—by holding onto hurt feelings—you're simply creating more grief for yourself.
9·Recent Loss - a breakup, the death of a loved one, unemployment - all of these things can cause more grief and stress than a person can bear.
10·The Zetas were asked about the significance of this latest eruption, how long it would continue, and how much grief this would cause for Europe.